
Just a Few of my Favorites

We all have some favorite movies and some of us have too many to even name. I tried to pick a few that I really enjoy, check them out!

This first movie has been one of my favorites for as long as I can remember. Bell, Book and Candle is a love story between a witch and her neighbor and how she gets him is just so wrong. I just love how quirky it is and that it is very funny. I did find it strange that you can’t find it anywhere online to watch. It makes me sad that they don’t make these more readily available.

I really love A Knight’s Tale, as it is funny and the cast is just wonderful. If you haven’t seen this movie, you so should. In this flick, William Thatcher (played by Heath Ledger ) becomes the knight he always wanted to be, you know, with a few hiccups. Paul Bettany is probably my favorite actor in this, as he does an amazing job playing Geoffry Chaucer.

I have a love for most of the Marvel Studios movies, but this one is way up there. I’d tell you to watch it, but seriously, you’d have to start at the first Iron Man and work your way up to this film. None of my streaming services are offering the whole series as part of their package but it seems that most of them have bits of it.

Funny, Scifi is my favorite genre. This movie has that in spades. M. Night Shyamalan did a great job of give you the creeps and making you laugh. Helps that the cast is great.

For me, this movie has it all. It is funny, it has some great chase scenes and it is Scifi.
Bruce Willis nails his role as Korben Dallis aka cab driver turned hero, and Chris Tucker is win as Ruby Rhod. I think I’ve owned like 5 or 6 copies of this as we have wore it out.

The final one on my list is a Korean film called The Man from Nowhere , Won Bin plays Tae-sik who is former military turned pawnshop owner who becomes attached to a little girl who has been kind to him. She becomes target of some seriously violent men and Tae-sik tries to save her. This film isn’t for those who don’t like fight scene as this has a lot of them. I just really enjoyed this movie.

To see a dynamic presentation and clips from these films you can view a prezi I created at https://prezi.com/view/j26pfdRSCyn8S3jYX9bI/

These are some of my favorites, have you seen any of them? What did you think? Are they on your list? How about your favorites? Post them below or catch me on any of my social media platforms. You can find the links to them all at https://about.me/whatmomiswatching

till next time. mom


I can only imagine.

I Can Only Imagine (2018)

Today I sat down and watched this film on Hulu. I didn’t even know about the movie, but it showed up on my feed and I was like, Oh cool, I remember I really loved this song. The movie starts out with these words:

“Bart, you didn’t write that song in 10 minutes. … It took a lifetime.”

Amy Grant

Which according to a real life interview with Bart Millard, Amy Grant actually did say that, which I found pretty cool. I grew up with Amy Grant. Her “Never Alone” CD helped me get through my teenage life.

The movie then throws you back in time to when Bart is a 10 year old little boy where we see his mom and him being abused by his dad, actor Dennis Quaid plays the father and I like him as an actor but this hurt to watch. (Meaning: he did a great job of acting horrible. ) Hearing them fight and his father’s words, hit a hard place for me. The movie takes a full circle and we see growth and change happen for all of the characters.

Having grown up in a Christian environment, I really related to the story, but honestly anyone could watch this and feel the pain and the release of it. Anyone who has ever heard the words, “You’re not good enough” will feel it as well. It is in that understanding that those words don’t have to hold you down or keep you back even if you are screaming them to yourself that you will really see when you watch this.

The movie is 1 hour and 50 minutes, and I felt and cried quite a bit of it. This got to me. So, should you watch this film? I feel like anyone who wants to be uplifted could relate to this, so yeah, totally watch it. You could watch it with your kids, it’s hard but it is family friendly.

Also if you haven’t heard the song, this is it 🙂

If you do end up watching it, let me know what you think of this film.

till next time. Mom.

Podcast · Reviews

Podcast: Episode 1 (Into the Dark: Treehouse)

If you haven’t checked out the Hulu Originals: Into the Dark series and are a fan of Horror/Thriller, you might want to check out this episode.

This is the first one I’ve watched and I found it to be pretty satisfying at the whole scares thing. Seriously, it was pretty creepy and I had no clue what was happening or why for awhile. Normally I can figure out the ending of shows towards the beginning, but this one caught me off guard.

As I said in the podcast, I don’t want to give too much away but there was one part I really enjoyed and thought I would share it.

I really love how Mary McCormack (as Lilith) delivered these lines and the reaction is just great as well.

Have you seen this film? Let me know what you thought in the comments if you have!

till next time. Mom.


Doom Patrol & DC Universe

Doom Patrol (2019)

So, I am always looking for sci fi stuff to watch, and as someone who collected (erm, collects) comic books, finding shows based on comic books is pretty much a win for me. So when I saw that Doom Patrol is on the DC Universe site, I thought, “Oh cool, I’ll check it out.” Gratefully they offered a free trial.

So, after setting up my account and logging in, I was able to watch the first episode of Doom Patrol.

As soon as the Narrator started talking I was so excited. I knew instantly it was Alan Tudyk, of Firefly for me and Star Wars: Rogue One well, probably for most everyone else. (Side note: if you haven’t watched Firefly, dude, why haven’t you watched Firefly, you should totally binge watch it… like… more than once.) Anyways, yeah, I was wicked happy. As I think the actor is great.

and then… omg, Brendan Fraser, so Hello! Brendan Fraser where you been bud? Why haven’t we seen you? erm, or maybe I should say why haven’t I seen you. Anyway, I was happy to see both of these actors. Was the show good? Yes, yes it was. The end was a bit… strange, but I think that is because it was setting up for more to come.

So, here is where it got tricky for me. Now that I’ve watched this first episode, I had a choice to make. Do I add another subscription to my ever growing list? Is this show, and whatever else they are showing on this site worth me spending more money a month? I mean with Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and whatever other addons I have, is adding another to this list worth it?

Here are the plan options that the DC Universe offers:

I think that them offering the same services for both plans is a win, but I can’t really justify in my head the annual plan as who knows if I will want to watch anything on their site for a year’s time.

So what did I do? well, I am still thinking about it. I didn’t watch anymore episodes of the Doom Squad so I don’t really want to give my full review on the series till (and if) I watch more of them.

How about you guys? What do you think of all these networks having their own subscriptions? Which ones do you keep and what do you let go of? I am interested in knowing.

till next time. Mom.


The Orville (S2 E9)

Identity Part 2 (SPOILERS)

In this second part of Identity, we find the crew all trapped in the docking bay, with the Kaylons flying their ships along with the Orville right to Earth to get rid of the humans.

Right from the beginning one of my favorite parts is when Lt. Gordon Malloy (played by Scott Grimes) attempts to talk to the Kaylon about what they are going to do with them. It is like talking to a wall, or well, a robot. It is such an awkward moment.

You just want to say, “Oh my God, please just go sit back down, before you get yourself killed!”

Lt. Talla Keyali (Jessica Szohr) ends up getting blasted by one of the Kaylons when she tries to stop Ty (Kai Wener) from getting hurt as he runs off to try to find Isaac. I was sitting here watching the scene before that where the doctor is telling her kids that Isaac is now doing bad things and feeling like my own kids would probably be like, “Yeah he totally sucks now.” It is hard for me to understand why the kid would go running to find him. If they wanted me to feel like the kids “loved” Isaac it really is a hard sell as I wasn’t left with that impression at all. Since the previous episode it felt like they were trying to jam that down our throats and it didn’t leave a good taste for me. (am I the only one who felt that way?) Anywho, Talla gets blasted and hurt because of this and they (the doctor and the captain) get to take her to the infirmary to get fixed up since they apparently need all of them for whatever reasoning.

Okay, another glitch for me. Why would they need ALL of the crew, and why would they (the Kaylons) care? I get that they want to be able to enter Earth’s system with no struggle but it seems like they really didn’t need to let them go. I digress.

Another awkward moment happens in the infirmary when Isaac (Mark Jackson) comes to show them all to the briefing room. Dr. Claire Finn (Penny Johnson Jerald) tries to get Isaac to feel guilty asking Isaac what would he do if Ty was there telling him that he loves him like a father. Again, why would the robot care? Its a robot. I get it, we all want the robot to “feel” but isn’t that the point of their race that it was humans feelings that enslaved their race.

So then we are in the briefing room where the Kaylon Primary (Graham Hamilton) is telling the Orville officers that they need to get them through Earth’s defenses. The Kaylons explain that they intend to do away with all the biologicals because enslaving others seems to be in their genetic makeup. They even comment that humans even enslave people of their own species. Well, truth.

So without going through the entire episode piece by piece, we find the Orville crew attempting to get the message to High Command that a fleet is heading to exterminate them. This in turn ends up with some major losses. Kelly and Gordon end up having to go to the Krill, as with them being a biological race as well, the Kaylons are a threat to them as well.

In the end, it is a combination of Isaac’s programming being corrupted by human interaction (as Isaac has to make a choice, his people or Ty, and chooses the human) and the Krill force that drives the last of the Kaylons away.

(Also, the Fleet would have lost against the Krill as it seems their weapons were more powerful.)

One last thing that bothered me was the fact that Capt. Ed Mercer (Seth MacFarlane) and Cmdr. Kelly Grayson (Adrianne Palicki) beg to keep Isaac as part of their crew. I get that he saved them in the end, but they lost a lot of red shirts to this invasion. The fleet lost so many ships and their crews. How will Isaac be regarded or trusted by anyone really? I don’t know, I thought the episode was done well in terms of effects, I just had a problem with some of the interactions as they seemed…off. Maybe I’m wrong, what do you think?

Is the show worth watching? Yes, any science fiction fan should watch it as it is entertaining.

till next time. Mom.

p.s. all screen captures by me.


The Orville (S2 E8)

Identity, Part 1 (SPOILERS!)

In the latest episode of The Orville, the robot Issac (Mark Jackson) shuts down, and when the doctor and crew cannot fix him they take off to the Kaylon home world. What they find there is all kinds of disturbing. Now don’t get me wrong, as soon as Capt. Mercer (Seth McFarlane) said they were going to go to his planet, my brain started screaming, “This is a bad idea!

I get it, they want these robot guys in the Planetary Union to fight off those baddies; The Krill, but yeah, a whole civilization of robots seemed weird to me.

I’ll admit, when they first started the whole doctor gets with the robot thing, I was like, “I guess I can understand that, she is lonely.” The story took their whole relationship thing to a whole other level. Her and her kids (and us) became invested in their connection. I think for someone my age, I connect him with ST:TNG Data, and think, “Oh well maybe he will change…” and then we see this episode and that dream is shattered.

Between the millions of bones in the caverns and the Kaylon’s blase attitude on genocide of the biobeings. (totally made this word up, as they seem to have just a thing about anything not them is less than) I think they used the word “bio-logicals”, so yeah, about the same right? I totally get it, they are machines, no feelings there!

A couple of things really stood out for me in this episode. First, the modeling for the Kaylon planet is totally on point. They did a great job on this. Like bravo Environmental artists, no seriously, huge props to them because I know how much work that is!

If you can’t see the amount of work and beauty went into these scenes, I’m sorry we cannot be friends! *laughs* no, but seriously, we can’t.

The second thing that caught my attention was about how doofy these Kaylon weapons look. All I could think was,

Look Mom! No hands!

said apparently every Kaylon robot on that planet

How would you like to wear that head all day during filming?

Well, as we are left at the end of this episode with a ship-jacking happening and an army of robotic spider balls headed off to Earth, I can only hope that things get cleared up in the Part 2. Maybe we can cut something more important off the robot this time? I mean, the whole leg thing seemed to make for good humor.

What about you guys? What did you think of this episode?

till next time. Mom.

p.s. all screen captures by me.


The Breaker Upperers

If you haven’t seen a preview of this New Zealand movie popping up on your Netflix feed then, well, obviously you haven’t been watching the same eclectic array of shows that I have. This was “highly” recommended based on my viewing. I mean, just because half the time I actually do end up watching the stuff that Netflix recommends me, means nothing!


okay, well maybe it does mean something. I did watch this tonight as I really wanted to watch something funny before I went to sleep. BINGO, this totally was it. Half the time you are like, why is this happening and the other you think it is mad cringe worthy and you are very happy that this isn’t happening to you.

The two women have issues, which I can relate to. They are paid to destroy relationships for people. You can understand when they end up being mean to each other. It has a moderately happy ending though.

At least I’m not the only one who thought it was worth watching; Rotten Tomatoes has it up as 90% and apparently half the people who watched it liked it and those people thought to take the time to vote. (seriously, who does that?)

I think one of my favorite parts was the weird sing along that the “Sisterhood” does to put things right. Its awkward af, but pretty humorous.

One thing I did appreciate about this flick was the fact that no one in it was one of those “perfect people” so that you aren’t thinking it is totally not relatable. Everyone was pretty “real”, well, as far as they could be which such a strange plot.

Don’t go into this movie being all serious and just let it run. You might actually laugh at loud! Also, they touch on some racist stuff, but they are really strange about it, so it is really just uncomfortably awkward and you end up thinking… “Dear God, please don’t let anyone actually act like this.”

Am I recommending you watch this movie? Well… yes and no. I think you should watch like 8 to 10 minutes of it and then go yes or no for you. I know, wicked helpful right?

till next time. mom.

ps. in movie screenshots all taken by me.


The Umbrella Academy

The Umbrella Academy Netflix Poster
Super Heroes with Issues!

If you haven’t started to watch this series on Netflix yet, you might want to. After watching the first couple episodes of this, I would have to say that I’m pleasantly surprised. This is what I would hope some other superhero type series would be like though they seem to always fail me. (The Runaways being a prime example of this) Thus far TUA series shows promise, and I look forward to seeing more!

When the show starts, I was sitting here like, okay, just except that this could be awful, and then the weird starts happening and you are like, holy crap, this is kind of weirdly cool. I love the way all of the characters interact with each other. I like how broken and messed up all they seem to be. I totally kept expecting it to be bad, and yeah, not.

Ellen Page as Vanya

The actors themselves are all very different, and that is great. Ellen Page of Juno, Inception, X-men does a really great job of making me feel like she is hiding something. *laughs* Like, I totally kept expecting her to pop out with some weird surprise.

Tom Hopper as Luther

Tom Hopper (who my brain instantly takes me to Black Sails and I weep inside) is made to look even more BUFF than he already is, and honestly that is just crazy sauce to me because the man is hella buff to begin with. I don’t wanna give away too much but his character leaves a lot to learn about, and you want to learn.

Emmy Raver-Lampman as Allison

Emmy Raver-Lampman (of a million little things) plays Allison, a beautiful yet damaged mom / I think actress and super powered woman. They all must have such amazing back stories!

Robert Sheehan as Klaus

My favorite is probably Robert Sheehan’s character, Klaus, because well, he’s kind of wicked and adorable at the same time. Think Loki of the Marvel movies kind of character.

Adam Godley plays Pogo and Lord knows there is a story and a half there because I was like, um. wtf is going on with the monkey!

David Castañeda, as Diego

Here we have David Castañeda, as Diego, who is definitely hiding something with his Police Academy dropout, knife-wielding crime fighting.

Justin H. Min as Ben

I couldn’t figure out what was happening with Ben (Justin H. Min’s character) but I’m sure there is a ton of story there as well. So much to look forward to, I hope they continue on as well as they are doing thus far!

Aidan Gallagher as #5

Then there is Number Five, played by Aidan Gallagher, and ugh, he does an amazing job of being both old and young at the same time.

What was one of my favorite parts of the first episode? Well, it is when this song plays.

It captured my teenage years and gave me all the feels.

Gotta tell you, how can you hear this song and not wanna dance around foolishly? Okay, maybe I’m just old 😉 But seriously, they were loving it too!

While Rotten Tomatoes tells me that the critics are only giving this show a 73%, I’m gonna go ahead and say that this show is worth checking out on your own. You might actually enjoy how odd it is.

Till next time. Mom


Hangar 1: The UFO Files (season 1)

Hangar 1: The UFO Files (2014)

So you see the title and you think “UFO Files! This is totally gonna be cool right?” Well, after sitting through an entire season of this on HULU, I would have say “Eh, not quite.”

This History Channel series is almost painful to watch as the host of the show repeats either what they have just point in the last 5 minutes or he says something and then the other presenters repeat him. You literally spend half the episode hearing the same things over and over again, not different material but the same exact things. That and they randomly have these people walk around holding folders between every segment within the episode. They don’t have any purpose or are even part of the overall story. It is maddening. The show might be interesting if they didn’t make it so repetitive.

As for the main content of this first season, it seems that MUFON or the Mutual UFO Network (which the show is apparently referencing) has collected just rehashed conspiracy theories and no new content from any other UFO shows. You could watch one episode of “In Search Of” with Leonard Nimoy (This episode in particular!) and get all the content you need as far as the historical stuff. The Hangar does offer some information on Bill Clinton and a brief passing over of Obama, but only to say that they didn’t really do anything.

So if you like UFO stories, which I do and always have since I was a child. I mean Independence Day had an impact on me and I had nightmares of a week after seeing that and that was funny! This show did nothing but make me mad at myself for having even watched a whole season of it. Oddly enough someone paid them to make a second season. Which I’m fighting with myself not to watch, as I keep hoping it will get better! I really wanted to like this series and still find the topic interesting. I will let you know if I do end up watching season 2.

Till next time. Mom